The Anatomy of Stuff

Titles, I’ve always been really bad at titles. Remember in high school when you would always be asked to come up with something creative to encapsulate your 5 paragraph essay about Julius Caesar, or The Scarlet Letter, or World War II? Well, mine was probably “Julius Caesar and Other Stuff.” So after 3 months of agonizing over the next great blog title I have thought up “Stuff by Shae,” don’t worry, we’re only bound to go up from here.

I used to write a blog, in fact I learned today that it has had 49 views in the last week and I haven’t posted in over a year (woo! P.s. if you click on the link just read the one about Insanity, people seem to like that one), but I needed a new area to hoard my thoughts and ideas so here I am. You can expect hard-hitting posts including, but not limited to, things like books, beer, sports, comics, podcasts, Netflix, WWE, Big Business, the Oxford comma, and “The Bachelor/ette.” Aka, anything.

Here’s a few things about me: My name is Shae and I fall into the category of twenty-something. I recently adopted a dog who is very small to contrast how tall I am. My boyfriend is even taller – he will be making appearances on here because I forced him into a book club with me. My 3 favorite things: books, beer, and watching sports.


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